Life|Style|Faves: June 2015

28 June 2015

Life|Style|Faves: June Non-beauty Favourites Ragdale Hall Sencha Mints

So we've come to the end of another month and we're well on our way to Christmas as it's in less than six months! Let's bury that thought shall we and move swiftly on... We find ourselves in the height of summer now and due to starting a new job, sadly I haven't had the time to enjoy it! In June I also got back to blogging after a month off, and gave my site a brand new look. Along with that new look came a few content changes, particularly the addition of Life|Style|Bites. This is the name of all things lifestyle, fashion and food on Kimamely Beauty and will be coming your way every Sunday. Life|Style|Faves is very simply my non-beauty favourites, so let's take a look at what I've been cray-Z about in June. 

Recently I've been really into healthy eating, and I've been obsessed with making mason jar layered salads. Whack a bit of quinoa or sweet potato in there and you've got a nutritious, filling lunch that isn't going to have you reaching for the biscuits come that 3 o'clock lull. I'll be sharing some recipes here soon, so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in!

Life|Style|Faves: June Non-beauty Favourites

These mints have been sold out in Holland & Barrett for the last six months, but I finally managed to pick some up. They are the Sencha Naturals Green Tea Mints in Moroccan Mint. Because they contain green tea, they are perfect as a mini pick me up, and they have a delicious sweet spearmint flavour.

My room has become a lavender haze as I've finally found a pillow spray that works for me. I notoriously am a rubbish sleeper but a few spritzes of the Ragdale Hall Spa Lavender Oil Pillow & Body Mist sends me into a dreamy slumber within minutes.

Life|Style|Faves: June

Talking of my bedroom, I recently gave it a bit of a renovation and added in a five drawer slim cabinet and a bedside table from Ikea. It's given me that much needed storage, and I haven't been this happy with my room in a long time.

The final non-beauty favourite has been these bright blue shorts from Primark. Barry Bargain of the month at just £4, I love the bold print, and these have been perfect to throw on to lounge around in as the material is really lightweight and cooling.

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Curated By KIrstie © . QUINN CREATIVES .