Diary of a Lazy Gal | The Fitness Funk #1

5 July 2015

Diary of a Lazy Gal | The Fitness Funk

I'm the first to confess that I am all kinds of lazy. As an ex-physio student, I know what I should be doing and what muscles to target, and I hoard Woman's Health magazines like there's no tomorrow. Whilst my intentions are more than good, fitness just doesn't come high on my list of priorities right now. Believe it or not, two summers ago I made best friends with the gym, and ended up going every day, yet now I just cannot find the motivation. Although my pro-gym list is packed full of reasons to go, my anti-gym list is ever increasing: I can't get there, I don't have the time, I don't have the money... All the classic reasons.

So until something changes, I'm going to be focusing on home routines. I'm all for fitting in exercises to your daily routine. I'm the champion of the "Toothbrush Squat", and the "YouTube Plank", I'm sure they need no introduction. I even added in a few cheeky squats in that 3 minutes the St.Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan has you in limbo. Get me. Talking of planking, I managed a measly 20 seconds, and was left the next day feeling like someone had punched me in the guts. Pretty pathetic huh?

I've also been really into yoga. My posture is crap and my back sore since I started my office job. Yoga offers some relief; I've been known to sneak off to the ladies for a cheeky sun salutation when the familiar ache sets in. I credit Yoga With Adrienne for introducing me to the practice, although as of late I've been going off piste using it more as a speedy way to stretch everything, but I'd like to properly complete the 30 days of yoga.

I got really into running before, yet partly due to being lazy, and partly because I want to attempt to correct my posture and work on some areas that are tight and stiff (that's my inner physio coming through), I'm reluctant to get the pulse racing again just yet. I plan to gradually introduce some gentle cardio and hopefully get back into those trainers!

I'm looking to create a routine that fits in with my lifestyle, and something I can stick to. Once I've done that I can start identifying areas that I'd like to work on and introduce new challenges into my routine? This has been a bit of a ramble, but my goals for next month are to:

Set aside a certain time of the day to dedicate to exercise
Start 30 Days of Yoga
Double my plank time from 20 seconds to 40

Do you have any fitness tips for a lazy gal? 

Start Here

Curated By KIrstie © . QUINN CREATIVES .