Epilating Your Way To Smooth, Sexy Pins

21 July 2015

Epilating Your Way To Smooth, Sexy Pins

If you said to me a year ago that I'd be ditching the razor in favour of epilating, I'd have a jolly good laugh in your face. I tried epilating a few times before, but never stuck with it as I just couldn't stand the pain. I saw Lily Pebbles mention epilating in her videos and on her blog, and it really tempted me to try it again. I was put off by my previous experiences, but come 2015, I'm made of stronger stuff! 

When I say I used to shave, I basically didn't. I'd hide my legs away for the majority of the year and panic when summer came around. This year I didn't fancy having to shave every day. Let's face it, I'm way too lazy for that. Now that I epilate, I only have to do it once a week, and by the end of the week my legs are still acceptable to bare (as long as you don't get too close!). I love that the hair grows back finer and finer each time, and the plucking mechanism prises out any of those pesky ingrown hairs, leaving a smooth surface for tanning. 

Epilating Your Way To Smooth, Sexy Pins

Despite not being as painful as I previously thought, my legs still go a bit blotchy and beetroot, so I enlist the help of hero product Shaveworks The Cool Fix (£25). It is a lightweight, aloe vera based gel that instantly cools stinging skin and contains gentle acids that get to work on ingrowns. I really look forward to applying this product post-pain to calm everything down, and I don't think I could epilate without it.

The epilator I use is one I've had for years, and is similar to the Braun Silk-épil (£59.99). It's definitely not the most snazzy or up to date model on the market, but I find it easy to handle and pretty effective too. However I wouldn't say no to upgrading to the newest version, the Silk-épil 9 SkinSpa Epilator (£179.99) in the near future.

I try to fit epilating into my Sunday life admin schedule, alongside all the boring bumf such as washing makeup brushes and tidying my room. I do dread doing it, but half an hour later my legs are not only hair-free, but I'm left with the thought that I don't have to touch them for another week. 

Epilating conquered. 

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Curated By KIrstie © . QUINN CREATIVES .