23 Before I Turn 23

19 July 2015

We're well past my half birthday, so what better time to set myself some life goals before I reach the grand old age of 23. With 23 goals to fill, it was harder than I first expected! I tried to pick relatively realistic ones seeing as I have less than six months, so I've opted for some blogging, career, fitness and general goals. I'll be reporting back on my birthday in October, so wish me luck! 

1) Start having driving lessons again

2) Buy a DSLR camera

3) Film a YouTube video

4) Join the gym

5) Go to my first bloggers meet up 

6) Go to a gig

7) Get another ear piercing

8) Take a photography expedition

9) Sign up for a writing course

10) Start writing the body of my novel

11) Go to the cute bakers down the road for a morning coffee and cake

12) Go to London again

13) Wear my fedora hat

14) Come out of the blogging closet

15) Finish reading six novels

16) Post at least once a week on Turquoise & Quills, my writing blog

17) Have a regular income from my blog, even if it's just a few pounds a month

18) Get my brows threaded

19) Reach 2000 Twitter followers

20) Achieve a good work-blog-life balance

21) Bake a cake

22) Finish a candle

23) Music Magpie my old CDs 

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Curated By KIrstie © . QUINN CREATIVES .