8 Hours in York

29 September 2016

York Minister

We whizzed off from our beautiful hotel, Ox Pasture Hall (which you can read about here, as well as our day in Scarborough here) back to the stations where we got on the train to spend the day in York. Whilst I'd been to Scarborough many a time, I was yet to visit York and we were both keen to make the most of being in the area. Sadly it wasn't quite the hot, sunny day we had the previous day, but luckily the rain cleared and we were still able to take some pictures. We headed straight to the city centre and walked towards the Cathedral that we could see above the buildings even as the train pulled into the station. After trying and failing to fit the majestic piece of architecture into a photo, we spied a cute, secluded street and used that as the backdrop for some more photos for Radhika's blog.

York Minister
York Minister
York Minister
York Minister

After that, we spent some time exploring, seeing the Treasurer's House, Monk Bar, and The Shambles, and then headed to get some lunch. There was lots of choice when it came to eateries but we chose Ask as we both fancied Italian and we could get a decent discount code. I had never been to ASK before but I loved it. My Asparagus and Pancetta Carbonara was beautiful, not to mention the grand building the restaurant was housed in! I'll definitely be paying a visit to the Leicester branch.

ASK Italian York Pancetta & Asparagus Carbonara
The Shambles York

Soon enough we had to brave the train journey home. I had one of the best weekends I'd had in a long time, thanks to Ox Pasture Hall and of course Radhika for inviting me and being wonderful company. It was so lovely to go back to Scarborough and discover York for the first time. I found it a lot more touristic than I'd imagined but it was a charming city with plenty of historical features to explore. Keep your eyes peeled for a vlog which will be up on my YouTube channel very soon!

Have you ever been to York? 

1 comment

  1. Very interesting and looks so lovely! Great blog!

    Keith | amansworld.top


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