November Empties

16 November 2016

Products I've Used Up Empties

It's pretty safe to say we all know how much I love empties posts and videos by now, they're my all-time favourite to both watch and make myself. I have the hugest stash of empties residing in my room, and I'm slowly making my way through sharing them through monthly videos. This month, there's a good mix of body products, hair and makeup, with a lot of skincare! I finally finished up a ton of minis that I just couldn't seem to get rid of, it's always such a relief when you can finally see the back of them!

I'd also love some feedback on whether you'd like to see an actual written post to go along with my videos, or whether you'd find it a bit repetitive. I haven't totally worked out how is best to share my videos alongside the blog, so do let me know what you think! Also, if you have written an empties post or done a video recently, please link me up as I'd love to read/watch it!

What have you finished up recently?

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