KISS Salon Acrylic Nude French Nails | Gifted AD

15 March 2017

KISS Salon Acrylic Real Short Length Nails

I've never really been the most precious person about my nails, and it's only recently that I've been consistent in painting them and making them look nice (check out my latest Manicure Menu post). Because of that, something I've not really dabbled a great deal with is artificial nails. I've never had them done at a salon, and only occasionally bought them - I've used a few of the Primark packs of nails before, and that's about it. I've always gone for the ones with fun designs and not really seen the appeal for having natural looking nails, but I was ready to be proven wrong.

I was really happy when a few packs of the KISS Salon Acrylic Nude French Nails* popped on my doormat, and I couldn't wait to use them. They retail for £7.95 per pack, come in various lengths and are made from acrylic that is infused with reverse dual injection technology. I have to admit that I was sceptical, I'd always thought that false nails were a bit of a faff to put on, and never really lasted all that long on the nails, however I was pleasantly surprised. I tried out the Real Short Length, and they ticked all the boxes for me. I have quite slim fingers, so I usually find false nails tricky to fit, but these come in 14 different sizes to ensure a perfect fit. Because of the way in which my nails naturally grow, I tend to keep them relatively short, and the Real Perfect Length were perfect for me. I could still do everything I usually would, without the fear that I'd lose a nail.

I found the KISS nails pretty easy to put on due to the easy-to-apply tabs, and the glue was really good too. I did have a bit of a nightmare where the first glue I opened had dried up, but the second one I tried was fine. I've always previously found that one nail would pop off within a day or so, but the KISS nails lasted the full 7 days, as promised. They looked so natural on the nails, and this style definitely appeals to me more than the classic french nails with the bright white tips. The only downside is that you can see the glue through the translucent nails, but I later found out that they were air bubbles due to not applying enough glue, so at least I know for next time!

I found the KISS nails to look and feel like my natural nails, apart from the fact that they felt SO strong! It was quite a shock when I took them off! Despite that, they are still quite flexible, so they are really comfortable to wear. It goes without saying that I am so impressed with the KISS Real Short Length nails, and I'd definitely use them again. I dub them the false nails that don't look or feel like false nails, and for that, I'm sold!

Have you ever tried KISS nails?

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