10 Hair & Body Products I've Repurchased

27 January 2016

Random Repurchases Lush Palmers Bourjois

If I repurchase a product, I know it's one that I love, and the incessant list-maker in me really enjoys compiling things like this. I always find it really interesting to see what I've gone back to and bought again Today I'm touching base on "random" repurchases; a myriad of all things hair, bath, body and feet. I've decided to forgo the obvious items; deodorant (Vaseline Active Fresh forevvvs) and other TMI products for your sanity. You're welcome...


Random Repurchases Lush Palmers Bourjois

I got a bit bored with Batiste, so when I heard the news of Ruth Crilly's (A Model Recommends) dry shampoo attempt, I jumped right in there and sampled each and every scent (full review here). The one I continued to use was the London scent. It's a dead ringer for the Stella perfume and refreshes my hair without leaving a dusty mess or competing with the scent of my perfume.

This is a product I first picked up a year ago in the Lush sale, during a time I was having a lot of problems with my scalp and hair. I couldn't seem to find a shampoo that didn't irritate my scalp or leave my hair feeling tacky. I soon realised that I was severely lacking in the hydration department and this gently moisturising shampoo bar really saved the day. I think I am on my third bar now, so lasting four months, this has proved to be a cost-effective solution and a holy grail for sure.

Random Repurchases Lush Palmers Bourjois

I first discovered this product last year when I first started getting Birchbox. It has become such a staple as I use it on my underarms the day after shaving when they get a bit itchy. It is also great on legs straight after epilation.

This is a German brand that I don't think is all that widely available in the UK. I managed to pick up a few sachets of these bath salts from my local pharmacy. I wasn't expecting much from these, but they smelt really relaxing and turned the bath water a gorgeous shade of either orange/turquoise (can't 100% remember which). I picked up a few more sachets as it's always nice to have something in to help achey muscles.

I mentioned this product pretty recently in my empties post. This is a beautiful neroli and grapefruit scented bath bomb that leaves the water a stunning shade of blue, with tons of silver glitter. I will continue to repurchase this baby as it is one of my favourite bath bombs. 

Lush Candy Mountain Bubble Bar

This was actually the first time I tried the Snow Fairy scent from Lush! It was a lot more subtle than I expected in the bubble bar form, and made for a really lovely bath. I made sure I picked up another before the festive season was over. Does anyone else get sent all the rejects when they order from Lush online? 

Lush Yog Nog soap

This is the second year running I have had this spicy soap, and I love how moisturising it is. It smells like gingerbread and lasts such a long time. I swear I'll still be using it in April like I was last year!


Random Repurchases Lush Palmers Bourjois

Gimmick they might be, foot packs are seriously underrated. These serum-filled plastic booties are ridiculously cooling and really undo the damage of a long day spent on the feet. My favourite is the Tea Tree, but the Macademia Oil one is really moisturising and great for dry heels. It's always nice to have a few of these in after a long shopping day.

This is a foot cream with a thick balmy texture. It contains peppermint, so not only does it smell amazing, it really soothes tired feet. Nothing makes my tootsies as soft, and it is by far my favourite foot treatment.

Technically this wasn't a repurchase. I got one of these free in an offer when I bought some Bourjois products. This one is in the limited edition Holiday scent, which smells like a fruity sorbet, and I much prefer this to the original. This isn't my favourite nail polish remover pot, as I find I have to wash my hands after, whereas the Primark one is undetectable. 

What's the one product you'll always repurchase?


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