16 Hours in Scarborough

28 September 2016

Scarborough South Beach

Scarborough is a place that I'd been to many times as a child, as we spent lots of short breaks by the Yorkshire coast. Personally, with the exception of a few cities in the UK I'm yet to visit, I'm much more likely to favour a holiday abroad than somewhere under our cloudy skies, especially after a childhood of mainly staying in England. When blogger pal, Radhika was asked to go and review luxury boutique hotel, Ox Pasture Hall and invited me to go along with her, there was no way I was saying no. I was intrigued to see how the seaside town had changed and how I'd view it as an adult.

Scarborough Harbour
Scarborough Harbour
Scarborough Harbour

First impressions of Scarborough were that the town was lacking somewhat. The shops were a little run down compared to how I remember, and the streets scarce with people, albeit it was a Sunday. I needn't have worried as there were more than enough people on the seafront! It was a gorgeous day for the middle of September, and the promenade was bustling with families enjoying the obligatory fish and chips and ice cream.

Scarborough Harbour
Scarborough Fair Luna Park Fairground
Scarborough Bridge

The seafront had the perfect mix of maritime tradition, the beach and then the tacky amusements you always find at the seaside. There was enough to still make it instagrammable, without missing out on entertainment for the kids at the amusements or the fairground. We took a wander along the seafront, admiring the quaint views across the bay. I, unsurprisingly was desperate for an ice cream, and after a long time selecting my flavour (Coconut if you're interested), I then proceeded to Instagram/photograph/vlog it until it was dripping in the heat. Nice one...

Scarborough Grand Hotel
Scarborough CastleScarborough Harbour Beach

After another pit-stop into the most incredible fudge shop I'd ever seen I picked up Reese's Pieces Fudge and Bailey's Truffle Wedge and OMG hello bae... We walked along towards the iconic Spa Complex to the bridge for a planned photo opp. Turns out there was something going on exactly where I'd planned to shoot so we had to rethink, but the views here were gorgeous. 

Scarborough Harbour Beach

After an hour or two exploring, my feet slowly blistering in the heat (why do I wear heels ever?), we decided to take a taxi up to our hotel, Ox Pasture Hall (which you can read about here). We managed to catch golden hour, so took advantage and took some outfit photos for Radhika's blog, before going for the most delicious meal in the hotel restaurant. Then, stuffed as a turkey at Christmas, we climbed into bed for an early night so we could wake up bright and early for a day in York the next day (read about that here!).

Have you ever been to Scarborough? What did you think of it? 

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