Get Intu the Christmas Spritz!

23 December 2016

Get into the Christmas Spritz with Intu & Penny Price Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is something that I'm really intrigued about as I've experienced its benefits first hand. After trying the Caudalie Beauty Elixir a few months ago, and finding out how much the blend of essential oils used in the product aided my relaxation and improved my mood, I really wanted to find out more about the art. When the team at Intu got in touch about their Christmas campaign with Penny Price Aromatherapy, I knew that it was something that I wanted to share, as I just loved the concept.

Through creating their 2016 Christmas advert (which you can watch below), Intu have conducted some research into what kind of Christmas shopper we are, based on what we look for, our priorities and times we head to do our festive shopping, and have come up with seven profiles. They then paired up with Penny Price who has created a different scent to match each profile.

Intu kindly sent me samples of each of the scents to play around with. Unfortunately when the samples arrived, they had all fallen out in the envelope, and I had to play the game of trying to match the scent to the name and description. But hey, that's all part of the fun! I like to think I'm fairly good at identifying scents, and I managed to match them all up, with the exception of two of them, which I couldn't decide between. I did my best!

Get into the Christmas Spritz with Intu & Penny Price Aromatherapy

Which Scent Bird are you?

The Hawk: The Bargain Hunter always has an eye for a deal, and is always first to the shops when the sales start. For this scent, the base component is chamomile as it clears the mind and keeps us focused. The scent contains basil, roman chamomile, cornmint and lavender. The lavender makes it smell really relaxing, and it's something you could keep on you in situations where you need to think clearly.

The Owl: The Wise Shopper is someone who is well planned and thoughtful, having started their Christmas shopping in May. The fragrance includes essential oils that will help maintain peace and tranquility, including cedarwood, eucalyptus, frankincense and patchouli.

The Peacock: The Over-excited Shopper is someone who fills their house with Christmas decorations as soon as Halloween is over. They truly love the festive period, so the scent attempts to recreate the cosy Christmas magic, with notes of nutmeg, sweet orange, cinnamon and pine. This scent is easy my favourite and it really does smell like Christmas! I'll be dousing myself with this today and tomorrow because I love anything with a bit of Christmas spice!

The Swan: The Window Shopper is someone who glides from shop to shop, spending hours searching for the very best gifts. Penny Price have created a scent to fight fatigue and stimulate the mind with notes of lemon, eucalyptus, black pepper and cinnamon. This one is really fresh, and I reckon it'd be great if you're feeling under the weather, as many of us do this time of year!

The Chicken: The Last Minute Panic Shopper is someone who is forever in a flap, always leaving things to the last minute. The scent aims to give the wearer a positive, calming influence with notes of lavender, rosewood, geranium and juniper berry. In a similar way to The Hawk, it is really relaxing, and it's a great one to keep on you if you need a moment of calm. It'll be a great help in the busy January sales!

The Flamingo: The Me Me Me Shopper is someone that loves shopping and looking fabulous. The Flamingo fragrance has notes of jasmine, lavender, rosewood and ylang ylang. This is the most feminine out of all the scents with the pretty florals. I'd probably wear this as a normal perfume.

The Duck: The Big Day Out Shopper is someone who is always on the hunt for new ways to keep the kids entertained when you have all important Christmas shopping to do! The scent has notes of eucalyptus, hyssop, lavender and peppermint, the latter of which plays the central role as it appeals to those who need to multi-task!

Looking over the names and descriptions, I actually can see a bit of all of these in me. I've been really into Christmas and was fairly organised with my Christmas shopping this year, managed to pick up a ton of Black Friday deals but I'm always in a flap about something and I really do enjoy window shopping (mostly for luxury products I can never afford...). I've been testing out these scents and I have to say that they are lovely. They are really fresh and minimal, and the concepts of each fragrance can be applied to not only Christmas, we all get stressed and are in need of a bit of aromatherapy throughout the year!

If you're a Last Minute Panic Shopper and have left your Christmas shopping until the last minute (I don't envy you!), Intu have everything you need to find that perfect gift. Personally I'd head to Debenhams and John Lewis as there is pretty much something for everyone, and then take some time out indulging in a festive hot drink before they are taken off the menus! Intu centres are open from 8am-5pm tomorrow (Christmas Eve), giving you a bit of time to grab those last minute Christmas essentials. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and takes the time out to relax in front of the telly with a Bailey's in one hand and a tub of Quality Street in the other. I'll see you on the other side for the sales!

What kind of Christmas Shopper are you?

*Post contains PR samples kindly sent on behalf of Intu/Penny Price Aromatherapy.
This does not affect my views and I will always give my honest opinion of a product.

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