YouTube | May Empties: Regret or Repurchase?

23 May 2017

May Empties Video: Regret or Repurchase?

There was a time when I never used to finish products, but doing my Declutter series has really made me see that having a collection of products hidden away in storage was defeating the object. I wanted to have a collection that I could actively use and enjoy, and so I've made it my pact to try and use up more products this year, both in general and as part of my Project Pan

Because of this change in thinking, I've been doing a lot more empties videos, and who am I to complain? They have always been some of my favourites to make, and indeed watch! There's something so satisfying about finishing a product (even if you know you're going to have to shell out for a replacement), and I believe it conjures up the most honest of opinions. I think we're all guilty of proclaiming our love for a product in a first impressions or haul, but you only know your true feelings when you have used the whole lot, and so you're getting the most reliable recommendation from an Empties.

In my May Empties, I've used up mainly skincare products, and apparently I had a thing for sheet masks. There's everything from the affordable 7th Heaven, to the much more pricey WOW and Estée Lauder, and I'm chatting about whether they're worth the hype and the money. Of course there are the staples, Lush Big Shampoo and the Colab Dry Shampoo, which seem to make their way into every single empties. I always find that I don't love a lot of the products I use up, and that's certainly the case here, not being overly taken by any of the samples that I've tried, however I did love a good few, and I've repurchased (or already had backups) all of the products in the image above.

Products I've used up...

7th Heaven Dead Sea Sheet Masque*
Lush Big Shampoo
Lush Rose Bombshell Bath Bomb

What have you finished up recently?

- This post contains PR samples (*) and affiliate links -
- This does not affect my views and I will always give my honest opinion of a product/service -

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