L(A)B Device Driven Skincare Review

23 June 2015

L(A)B Device Driven Skincare Review

L(A)B Life + Beauty is the science-oriented brand created by sisters and Oxford University graduates Charlotte, Sophie and Lauren. The company specialises in electrical devices designed to get the most out of your skin and healthcare. L(A)B have created the Galvanic, a device to increase the effectiveness of your entire skincare routine. Interestingly, along with this, they have brought out specially formulated, device driven skincare products to pair with the Galvanic.

I'm going to start with The Cleanser* (£16). It is a very light milky texture, and you need a good few pumps for the whole face. Whilst it isn't the most effective for removing makeup, where this cleanser really shines is the second cleanse. Initially I wasn't wowed, but I soon realised just how soft this cleanser made my skin, and now it firmly stands it's ground within my evening skincare routine.

Moving on to the L(A)B Toning Conduction Spray* (£16) and we all know I love a beautifully scented step in my routine. Sadly the neroli, rose, chamomile and lavender elixir promised, but didn't quite deliver. I found the scent a little sour, and felt it had the potential to be so much more. On a brighter note, I have no quibbles with the performance of the toner. It leaves skin feeling clean and fresh, and doesn't irritate. 

L(A)B Device Driven Skincare Review Galvanic

The L(A)B Activator Serum* (£20), is brilliant because it contains hyaluronic acid. This means that it boots the hydrating powers of your moisturiser. It also contains powerful skin plumping ingredient collagen, sea buckthorn oil which also helps with ageing, and cucumber oil, providing its beautifully light and refreshing texture. I have taken to using the L(A)B Activator Serum post-face mask. I don't always want to go in with a heavier cream, as I don't always mask up right before bed, so I'll slap a bit of this on and then top up with moisturiser later on if my skin needs it. 

Being a product aimed at all skin types, I was a little apprehensive that The Moisturiser* (£20) would be too heavy for my oily skin, however I was pleasantly surprised. Both myself and my mother were impressed on first impressions at how light yet hydrating it was. After application it leaves a slightly sticky residue on the skin, but after trying other hylauronic acid-containing products, I have noticed it is a common theme. Out of all the L(A)B products, this has the most pleasant scent. It is fresh and citrusy and has a bold enough presence for it to be the highlight of the product. 

Price wise, the L(A)B skincare products come in just above the likes of La Roche Posay, yet are more affordable than high-end brands such as Origins. I think the design of the packaging could be developed a bit more to reflect this almost high-end price tag. With the exception of the moisturiser, the scents didn't quite do it for me. However talking all things scent, I was bowled over by the olfactory beauty of their signature candle (which will be getting a post of it's own), so I'd love it if they continued the luxurious spa-like theme through to the products. 

Whilst the L(A)B skincare range isn't the most groundbreaking, each product is well formulated with some awesome ingredients. Although I have mixed opinions of the products as a whole, I feel like The Cleanser is an undiscovered classic. It has that understated vibe, and may soon be promoted to holy grail status, watch this space.

*Post contains PR Samples kindly provided by L(A)B SKincare. All views are my own. 

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