BakerDays Letterbox Cake Review

2 July 2015

Feelin' hungry? Did you know you can get a cake delivered through your letterbox? Although it's not quite a letterbox takeway (someone invent this please), it does however make the perfect cute present for a loved one. When I came across BakerDays on The Lilac Scrapbook I was intrigued. But that was nothing compared to my excitement when the brand contacted me a few days later. Do I want to try a cake? Why is that even a question? Of course I bloody want to eat cake. All day, every day! 

I had absolutely no idea what I wanted on my cake. You can choose from their huge range of designs, but they were mostly happy birthday/other occasion ones. It was no one's birthday, anniversary or anything else in my house, so I was stumped. I decided to go with a custom photo cake. I toyed with the idea of getting a personalised blog cake, because that'd be all kinds of awesome (and that totally needs to happen at some point...) but I finally decided on a photo of three of my fluffiest friends.

A 22 year old that still likes teddies? Weird huh? Well the truth is, I love them. Old habits die hard, and I just can't resist their cute faces. The fact that they double up as pillows only makes them so much better. In case you want an introduction, from right to left, their names are Bear, Teddy and Bramble. And yes, I know how unimaginative the first two are, they just kind of stuck.

BakerDays Letterbox Cake Review + Giveaway Comper Friendly

So I sent off the cutest photo I could find to the team at BakerDays, and eagerly awaited the arrival of my cake. Cue a day out at Thorpe Park, semi-ruined by the fact I got drenched on the tamest water ride. I arrived home soggy and cold, with a migraine on the horizon. I couldn't believe my eyes when a lovely little package sat on my doormat. There's nothing like a good cup of tea and a slice of cake to get you out of the pit of despair.

On opening the box, I found the cutest pastel cake tin. This is such a lovely addition, especially if the cake is a gift as it can be reused. Also included in the box was a card and some sweeties. Again a really lovely idea, BakerDays really do think of everything. I was really pleased with how the image came out, I thought the quality was great considering it was just an iPhone photo. It was so cool seeing my bears on a cake, although at one point I felt bad for eating them...

BakerDays Letterbox Cake Review + Giveaway Comper Friendly

Talking of eating, let's get onto what matters the most. It is a cake after all. The BakerDays Letterbox cakes* are single layer, vanilla sponges, covered in royal icing. It is rare to find a cake that doesn't contain buttercream; my dad isn't a fan so this was perfect for him. The sponge was flavoursome and light, and the icing sweet. There is the icing:cake ratio so it doesn't get too sickly, and is particularly moreish. However I think I do miss the jam, it would add a bit more interest to the flavour. One thing I'd like to add is that these cakes last 2 whole weeks! I wouldn't usually be able to make a cake last that long, but my parents were away and I wanted to save them some cake as they wanted to see the design. Even after that long, the cake wasn't at all dry; an impressive feat.

The Letterbox cakes come in at 5 inches, which aim to serve 3-4 portions. I defy you not to eat the whole cake after one slice; it does go famously with a good old cup of English Breakfast after all. If the Letterbox cake is just too small, BakerDays have lots of other options, and you can change up the flavours too.

Although I've been pretty impressed with the flavour and quality of my Letterbox cake, at £14.99 I think it's a bit pricey to buy for myself. However I'd definitely send one as a gift. I have a lot of friends still at Uni, so this would be perfect for their birthdays The fact you can personalise the cake just makes it even better. If you've got a friend's birthday coming up, why not check out the BakerDays website.


The kind people at BakerDays have given me the chance to reward one of you lovely readers with your very own Letterbox cake! All you need to do is follow me on Twitter. There are also extra options to up your chances of winning! Entry is via the Rafflecopter form below where you can find all the details.

T&Cs: All entries will be entered into a random draw to win one Bakerdays Letterbox cake worth £14.99. This giveaway is open to UK residents only and will last 14 days. With respect to current guidelines, the winner will be informed and will have 28 days to get in touch. In the event that the winner does not respond in 28 days, another winner will be picked at random via the Rafflecopter generator. In line with fair practice, there are no restrictions as to who can enter, compers most welcome.

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Curated By KIrstie © . QUINN CREATIVES .