May Lifestyle Favourites

2 June 2014

This month has seen an extra few weeks at home with my family! Time off from uni meant catching up with some good old US drama, this time in the form of Gossip Girl. I got seasons 3 and 4 for Christmas, so I marathoned through these this May. Gossip Girl is the perfect escape series, and it's nice to watch something that isn't all vampires and murders.

Thankfully while I was at home, we had some absolutely stunning weather, and I even snuck in a cheeky wear of my new bikini. It was totally the weather for Pimms, or other summer-related drinks. Another drink I fell in love with was the Starbucks Mocha Coconut Frappucino. This is probably the nicest drink I have tasted in my life, as an avid coconut lover. What made it better was the fact that it was free, pooling the pennies left on my numerous Starbucks cards together.

I've also been enjoying some American treats, namely Wonka Nerds, Lucky Charms and my favourite, a huge box of Krispy Kremes! My favourites are the peanut butter, the lemon meringue and the pink sparkly iced donuts. 

The last favourites to touch upon are my new Muji drawers. I got the 3 drawer acrylic storage box (£17.99), which has shallower drawers than the others. It does mean a lot of face products don't quite fit in, so I am currently just using for lip products. I also ended up picking up the most random stuff when I was in Muji; dessert forks, toothbrush holders, coloured pencils. I'd also really recommend their towels as they are brilliant quality and seriously soft. 

What have you been loving this month?

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