AD | The Swap2Shop: How The Vogue Kids Shop

25 April 2015

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Last month I stumbled upon an article in the April edition of the Vogue supplement Miss Vogue, entitled 'Electric Avenue', which spoke about "Cyber-savvy fashion lovers shaking up the way we shop". It covered selling Facebook pages ('Wavey Garms' for cool kids looking for vintage 90s gear), Whatsapp groups dedicated to charity shop stalking and Bitch 'n' Swap events. The idea? Grab a load of girlfriends, wine, pizza and all your unwanted clothes and make a night of it! Sounds fun, but I know my friends would get too carried away with the wine aspect and end up in a club. On top of that, there's also the fact that it's near on impossible to get all my friends in one room at the same time. Now if only you could do it online...Oh wait, if you're reading this from the US, you can with the Swap2Shop!

Despite improvements in the economic climate, we are still evidently feeling the pinch. Something I can 100% vouch for as I spend equal amounts of time browsing Instagram as I do looking for jobs. Day in, day out, on social media we see beautiful people flaunting their aspirational lifestyles, parading in shiny new clothes. It is by no means a new idea. For years we have seen the rise of "budget" shopping, with eBay, charity shops and car boot sales all have their hidden gems. We now live in a world where it is no longer embarrassing to admit that your shirt is Oxfam's finest, rather than fresh off the rails of Topshop. Heck it's even cool. The cheaper the better I'd say.

With the Swap2Shop, the idea is firmly rooted in the name. Swap. To. Shop. This means that not only are you technically getting an item for free, you can also get rid of that dress you always intended on wearing but never left your wardrobe. Double whammy. And like eBay/charity shop/vintage shopping, it has that all important cool factor that you never know what gems you might find.

Recently launched, the Swap2Shop is like a closely guarded insider secret. The deal? Sign up for free here with their 30 day trial, list all your unwanted clothes and agree on a swap with another member. Exchange postage costs and away you go! After the 30 day trial, subscription to the Swap2Shop is just $30 a year, during which time you can make unlimited swaps.

Why not change up your whole wardrobe? 

- This post has been sponsored by The Swap2Shop -
- I have retained editorial control so all views are my own -

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