The Winter Skincare Shelf | Gifted

26 January 2017

Winter Skincare Shelf

How did it get to being winter again? Christmas came and went without it being too cold, but all of a sudden, January arrived and brought with it all of the wind/fog/ice and it's been seriously chilly recently. The change in the seasons inevitably means switching up the skincare routine. This year, my skin has changed a lot, and it is so different to what it was last winter, so I almost don't know what to expect this year. Last year, my skin was still very oily, whereas this year, it is more normal/dry.

Winter Skincare Shelf cleansers

My cleansing routine has changed a lot recently, and I've really switched up the way I remove makeup. I start with using the Merumaya Bi-phase Makeup Remover on a Muji Peelable Cotton Pad to remove the bulk of my makeup. I then go in with the Garnier Micellar Water. I've been using this stuff for years, and it works really well in conjunction with the makeup remover to get rid of every last scrap of makeup. I find this method removes more than a cream cleanser would, and my skin is still left feeling soft and nourished due to the oil in the bi-phase formula. For a morning cleanse, I do still use my Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel (although I'm coming to the end of it), which is easy to splash off and leaves my skin looking bright and feeling hydrated.

Winter Skincare Shelf toners

I've been slacking a lot on the toner front. I did pick up the Merumaya Treatment Toner, but I much prefer the Gentle Exfoliating Toner and I regret not repurchasing. It does smell really lovely, and leaves my skin soft and ready for the next step though. I recently started using the infamous Pixi Glow Tonic, a really lovely toner which smells gorgeous and leaves the skin surprisingly hydrated. I haven't seen the benefits of the glycolic acid yet as I have only been using the product for a short amount of time, but this product has made me realise that I missed using toner!

Winter Skincare Shelf moisturisers
Winter Skincare Shelf moisturisers superdrug vitamin e

I probably have more moisturising products than anything, and I like switching things up. I've recently gotten into the Superdrug Vitamin E range, and their Serum is really good. It has a thick, gel consistency, and adds so much moisture to my skin. I tend to use that alongside the Vitamin E Intense Moisture Cream, which again is really hydrating, but I also really like the Merumaya Youth Preservation Moisturiser* and the Retinol Resurfacing Treatment* for day and night respectively. Another product that I adore, especially when my skin is really parched is the Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask, which I use in place of a night cream. It is packed full of fruit oils which really nourish the skin and it gives your complexion a real pep-me-up. Lastly, we cannot forget the eyes, the delicate skin requires effective hydration too. I've been really enjoying the Superdrug Vitamin E Eye Cream, I can't fault it for providing gentle nourishment on a budget.

Winter Skincare Shelf masks

I do love to treat my skin to a weekly mask or two, and in my current rotation I like to have a few for different skin concerns. I like to have a detoxifying mask, and I'm trying to finish up my tube of The Sanctuary 5 Minute Thermal Detox Mask, which is in my Winter Project Pan. This isn't too drying, and the warming sensation feels really luxurious and spa-like. For brightening up the skin, a product that I've loved for a long time is the REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask. One of the things I really love about this mask is the fact that it is also really hydrating, as well as brightening, and is a real treat for the skin. It also smells amazing, with a scent of lemon, honey and ginger. I have many masks in my collection, but these are the two that I consistently reach for. 
What's on your winter skincare shelf? 

- Post contains PR samples  -
- This does not affect my views and I will always give my honest opinion of a product -

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