Your "Press Pause" Moment... | AD

25 January 2017

We all have times when life can get a bit too much and you forget to look after number one. You can''t pour from an empty cup, and it's okay to have days where you can't be bothered to adult. To stop yourself burning out, make sure you take a little time during your day to do something for you. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, press pause and indulge in your own rituals that let you escape reality. Here are some of mine...

Press pause for 5 minutes...

Whether you're at your desk at work or on the sofa at home, one of the easiest ways to re-boot is to make a cup of tea. As much as I love a good Earl Grey, there's nothing like a herbal tea to make me feel calm and collected. Having a more luxurious brand of tea transforms the simple act of making a brew into a special moment. I really like Dragonfly Tea's Tea House Collection*, which includes 10 artisan whole leaf teas in pyramid bags for the purest of infusions. At the moment I'm enjoying the Bai Mudan White Tea, and I also have Lemongrass & Ginger but I've got my eye on the Garden Mint & Verbena as I generally prefer teas without licorice (if you have any recommendations, hit me up!).

When you're feeling stressed, something that can really help is to calm the air and make use of a bit of aromatherapy on the go. I love the Caudalie Beauty Elixir, not only because it refreshes the skin, but it contains a beautiful blend of essential oils that restore a sense of calm in me. I whip it out if I'm feeling anxious, or I want to get off to a relaxing sleep. It's such a beautiful product, and I've just run out it - I'm genuinely a bit upset that I'm without it right now!

Another way you can treat yourself throughout the day is to have a little SOS beauty kit full of products that will make you smile. I always have a hand cream with me, preferably one with an uplifting scent like Crabtree & Evelyn Citron, to nourish and pamper my hands. It's important to look after your lips too, especially in the winter, and you can't go wrong with the Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm as it's really nourishing and luxurious, without the price tag of the likes of ByTerry Baume de Rose! Little touches like that can really make a difference when you're feeling pants!

Press pause for an hour...

If you've got a bit more time on your hands, use that time for you. Light a candle to create a relaxing atmosphere - the Dragonfly Tea Tea Chest No1 candle* has a luxurious blend of cosy woods and warm, fragrance tea notes. It has been released to celebrate 15 years of Dragonfly Tea, and aims to capture the romance, craftsmanship and sensory richness that goes into tea traditions of both the past and present. It smells like the most luxurious, expensive candle you'll ever own you, but you can actually pick it up in a bundle with two boxes of Tea House collection tea for £40 - win!

With a candle on the go, and a good brew of course, it'd be wrong not to put on some comfy lounge wear or a big cosy knit, grab a blanket and get all Hygge on your ass. Switch off that technology - Instagram can wait - and read a book. There's nothing more of an escape from everyday life than getting lost in someone else's story. I'm currently reading Spark Joy, the follow up to Marie Kondo's The Life-changing Magic of Tidying, but I love nosing through a novel too. The best person for a book recommendation is my gal pal Emmie, have a peek at the 16 books she read in 2016, I know I've added a good few of them to my "to read" list.

Lastly, there's nothing more indulgent than running yourself a bath - locking yourself away for an hour or two and immersing yourself in hot, sudsy water. You all know I love a good Lush bath, their bubble bars are the best (read about my Top 5 Lush Holy Grails here), but my ultimate favourite when I want to treat myself is one of the Aromatherapy Associates bath oils. They are super strong and really relaxing, plus they make your house smell like a spa for days! Wrap your hair up in a deep conditioning treatment, pop a mask on your face and emerge looking and feeling like a goddess...

How do you spend your "Press Pause" moment? 

- Post contains PR samples kindly provided on behalf of Dragonfly Tea -
- This does not affect my views and I will always give my honest opinion of a product -

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